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Conservation Minutes 03/11/14
Newbury Conservation Commission (NCC)
March 11, 2014
April 8, 2014

Members Present: Katheryn Holmes, Chair; Chuck Crickman,, Deane Geddes, Bob Stewart, Members; Bill Annable, Alternate;  Dick Wright, Ex-Officio.

Ms. Holmes called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m.

There were no minutes available for review.

The Water Cycle Experiment
Commissioners viewed the online video titled “The Water Cycle Experiment” which depicted how ground cover improved water retention during catastrophic storm events. Discussion followed.

Building Permits
Commissioners discussed the need to have all building permits contain copies of the town’s stormwater management regulations.

Henk & Mary Oolders Intent to Cut Application Status
Ms. Holmes asked Mr. Stewart to make a presentation of the Oolders application to the NCC so the latter can better understand the application. She said the Board of Selectmen and the Code Enforcement Officer have the NCC comments but the status of the application is unknown. Mr. Stewart agreed.

Great Island
Ms. Holmes noted that there was a procession of trucks on (frozen) Lake Sunapee hauling sand and material to Great Island for the installation of a septic system on the Hoffmeister property. She said she spoke with the truck drivers and reminded them that if a truck goes through the ice to the bottom of the lake, a substantial, per-day fine is imposed by DES.

There were no Intents to Cut applications to report.

There were no Buffer Zone Cut applications to report.

There were no communications from the NH Department of Environmental Services (DES) to report.

Ms. Holmes shared with the NCC the following conference information:
  • “Saving Special Places” conference on April 5th in Laconia. Mr. Crickman said he was attending and Ms. Holmes said she may attend.
  • “Local Energy Solutions” conference on April 12th at Winnesquam Regional High School.
Ms. Holmes reviewed the following letters:
  • The “Tree City USA Bulleting” published by the Arbor Day foundation.
  • February 13, 2014, a DES Notice of Acceptance of Permit Application for a Wetlands Program, DES File # 2014-00420, for property located at 192 Gillingham Drive, Newbury, Tax Map/Lot # 50/166/200.
  • February 13, 2014, a DES Request for More Information to the Cottage Owners Association [Blodgetts Landing] on Bowles Road, Newbury, Tax Map/Lot # 16/247/321, regarding a Standard Dredge and Fill application pertaining to the boat ramp at Blodgetts Landing.  
There was general discussion regarding whether or not town permits are needed for the proposed Blodgetts Landing boat ramp since the dredge and fill work will be done within the buffer zone. Additionally, Commissioners discussed the proposed plans and how best to install the new ramp.


Mt. Sunapee Schoolhouse
Mr. Geddes reported that he toured the existing building and questioned whether it is salvageable. He reviewed the report submitted by the Rhode Island firm specializing in historic restoration work and noted that more than half of the building is beyond reclamation. There was discussion regarding saving the building beams which are thought to be from 1825. Mr. Geddes shared photos of the schoolhouse from the NH Division of Historical Resources. He said there are field stones in the foundation on two sides. The schoolhouse was not used after 1925.

He concluded that it is possible to tell the state to deed the property to the NCC, leave the foundation in place and add a plaque and photo of the original schoolhouse describing the historical significance of the site. He pointed out that the site will need a caretaker.

Ms. Holmes said she spoke with the Town Administrator who indicated that the Newbury Beautification Commission will be the caretaker. She suggested a site visit to the schoolhouse after the snow passes. She added that the NCC will continue to collaborate with the Newbury Historical Society and will see what the state is willing to do.

Wild Goose Boat Launch Project Update
Ms. Holmes reported that the Superior Court judge’s ruling favored CORE. However, town counsel found two errors in the judge’s ruling and the town and LSPA are appealing the decision to the NH Supreme Court.

Mr. Wright noted that the safety issue has not been addressed and concluded that the state would have to upgrade the road substantially. Ms. Holmes added that the town’s shoreland regulations cannot be overturned either and that would be another issue the state would have to address.

Ms. Holmes reminded Commissioners of the upcoming Town Meeting and urged all who can to attend.

Mr. Crickman made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Mr. Geddes seconded the motion. All in favor.

The meeting adjourned at 8:11 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Meg Whittemore
Recording Secretary